General information
The 37th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM Going Virtual --
The 37th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM will be held from October 26 through 28, 2020. The world-wide corona pandemic makes conference events infeasible. The health of the participants is our main concern. Social distancing and travel restrictions also make it practically infeasible to organize large gatherings in 2020. The committee came to the conclusion that the 37th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM goes virtual.
Three cooperative symposia will be held at the same time; the 11th Symposium on Micro-Nano Engineering organized by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 12th Symposium on Integrated MEMS Technology organized by the Japan Society of Applied Physics, and the Workshop organized by the Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.
Date: October 26- 28, 2020
Cooperated with
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems
Supported by (on request)
Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer, Micro-Nano Science & Technology Division
The Society of Sensing Technology of Japan
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
Reliability Engineering Association of Japan
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
The Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology
The Robotics Society of Japan
New Ceramics Forum
Micromachine Center
Laser Society of Japan
Technical Committees of IEEJ Sensors and Micromachine Society
The association and affiliations whom have been requested for their support are included.
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